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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick-Or-Treating, Alternate Style

So, I posted this on Halloween. For those that are curious, there was another one that I could've used... one that I didn't (obviously). I decided I might as well put it up now.

It deals with Scenario 2 (You go trick-or-treating at the candidates house. Why do you get turned away?).

Sarah Palin: You show up at her house, dressed up as a bear (or moose or some other wild animal found in Alaska). She opens that door, sees you, and gets all excited. She asks you to wait for a minute, mentioning that she forget the candy in the other room. She rushes away, and a couple seconds later you hear a helicopter. You don't think much about it until it becomes obvious that it is getting closer... much closer. You turn around, and see her in the helicopter, aiming a gun at you. The last thing crossing your mind is that you should've thought something was up when she said she forgot the candy... especially because she was holding a bowl of candy when the door opened.