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Friday, November 14, 2008

Thankfully The Jets Found A Kicker

Now, I'm not a Jets fan or anything. But I do hate cheaters, and also have a grudge on a certain team for beating my Panthers in the Super Bowl a couple years back. But still, it's a good thing the Jets finally found a kicker. It was huge last night and saved the team from the guaranteed humiliation that would've come with a loss. Two things learned from the game...

  1. The "prevent defense" is the stupidest thing ever. Why would you ever play that? The Jets were rolling, and then went to the prevent on the last possession. And it almost cost them the game. They shut down Randy Moss all game, and then switch coverage... on the last play!

  2. The NFL is meant to be played on Sunday's and Monday's. What's up with all this Thursday night crap? (And the Saturday crap that'll soon follow.) I understand the Thanksgiving Day games, I guess. But the rest of them... what?

Totally unrelated to the Jets... go Panthers!