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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Today's Politics Update

As the election grows closer, more and more stuff pops up. So a look at stuff that might be new today (or maybe not)...

According to CNN, John McCain & Sarah Palin have been blasting Barack Obama (and occasionally his policies) while he's been blasting McCain's policies. No changes there... it's been like that forever.

On the way home today, I saw a couple of politically related signs on lawns. I saw 2 for Obama. There was 1 for McCain, but it was laying on the ground. This is surprising, largely because I live in Utah. I'd expect more pro-McCain ones... maybe those voters have already decided that the battle is over. Which it very well might be. There was also 1 sign each for Proposition 1 (Tracy Aviary) and Proposition 2 (The Hogle Zoo).

McCain's "honest campaign" has been shot to hell. But we all new that. On the other hand, he's a politician. Expecting anything more than what we've gotten shows way too much confidence in these guys.

Personally... I've had enough of the personal attacks. I can decide about Obama on my own, thank you. I feel McCain needs to do more campaigning and less attacking. Meanwhile, Obama... change what? We don't need an overhaul, do we?

I mean, scrap the electoral college and let my vote count. That's a start.