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Monday, April 27, 2009

MLB Gameday For The Loss

So, it seems that MLB.com now makes you pay for MLB gameday premium to watch in-game highlights of runs scored/nice defensive plays/etc. that were previously free (not sure if they still charge after the game is over).

If I may say so... that is just absolutely stupid. I mean, first of all... I live in Utah, so I can't watch the Pirates anyways (MLBTV costs too much money for me). So I follow on MLB Gameday, and live on the highlights. And now you're taking that from me too?

What? The? FLOP?*

I might just have to go back to following on Yahoo! and skipping highlights all together.

*FLOP... I'm trying to reduce my cursing, and what better than taking Jarron Collins' nickname in vain?


Unknown said...

I totally agree - I can't believe that you have to pay for the highlights now. I'm in Utah as well, and I wouldn't get MLB TV because I'm a Giants fan, and the D-backs and the Rockies, which are both in their division, are blacked out here - it's a joke.

UtesFan89 said...

Yep. I guess I'll be following baseball a little less closely now... and solely because of them too.