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Monday, March 2, 2009

Maybe If This Country Wasn't...

so ****ing sue-happy, something like this wouldn't be necessary.

Sadly, the lawyers have turned this country into a joke, suing over everything... big or small... making it necessary.

Spokesman Dr. Cris Cowley told committee members before they sent the bill forward last week that doctors are caught in the middle — criticized for doing a test and adding to the cost of care, then they are sued later for not doing the test.

Oh look, I tripped over my kid in your store... I'm suing you.
Oh look, I got in a car crash... I'm suing the hell out of you because I got scratched.
Oh look, my lawyer says I can sue you because he wants more money you did me wrong, so I'm suing.

It's absolutely pathetic. Sorry, but it is. It's not all the lawyers, just the pathetic sue-happy ones that this society has created.

Oh, and as for the medical thing... costs would be lower if they didn't have to plan ahead so much for all the stupid malpractice lawsuits.


Philip said...

Agreed. That's probably one of the biggest worries I have when I think about becoming a doctor. Why would you want to sue someone who's helping you out? Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

UtesFan89 said...

Agreed... I think that's encouraged way too much by the society... and tolerated because everyone is all about getting money in any way possible.