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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bottom 5 At The Moment

5- UTA. Yeah... if I don't have to be at the U until 10, I'd like to be able to get there at 10. Not 8 or bust.
4- Work. Sorry, but if you're cutting into my spring break, you belong on the list.
3- The Utah Jazz. What was that? Maybe you guys should learn to play 4 quarters!
2- My physiology test. Oh fu**.
1- Chartwells. Yeah, when I ask for a cheese enchilada, and then you say okay, I expect a cheese enchilada. Bastards.

Chartwells is back where it belongs, UTA is too high right now, and Chuck Norris deserves a spot as well.

Chuck Norris didn't keep him out of my list... my physiology test did. Boom, roasted.