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Friday, February 27, 2009

Stupid UTA

'UTA reaching out to bicycle community.'

Bastards. When will they start reaching out to the people that live... oh, any where but FREAKING DOWNTOWN!

There used to be 4 bus routes that ran past my house at some point of the day. Since they "improved" (total BS), it's been cut to 1. And that one only runs to the U 5 times in the morning (between 6 & 7:30) and runs back to Sandy 5 times in the evening (from 4 to 5:30). So if I need to go south of my house, UTA's response is
Fu** off!

And if I need to get to the U anytime after 8:30 AM, UTA's response is
Fu** off!

It only seems designed for those that live within a 5 block radius of the U... when your bus runs every 15 to 30 minutes.
Hell, the next closest bus to my house only runs every hour on Saturdays (the one on Highland runs every 30 minutes), and doesn't even run on Sunday (the one on Highland does). Oh, and if I'm staying at the U late on any weekday, I can't even take this bus home... because it stops running after 6:30. WHAT THE FUCK?

Screw UTA's "improvement"... the only good thing they did was start running the express buses more. But if I had known it would come at the expense of every other bus that comes here (and at the expense of getting a later bus to come up here), I'd have said no thanks.

Not that UTA would've cared... greedy bastards generally don't care what others think.

"Public" transportation my ass.
UTA sucks... plain and simple.

I'd say sorry about the profanity (I'm trying to stop), but in this case... I'm not really sorry.