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Friday, December 19, 2008

Recession? Seriously?

What's with all the "we're in a recession" talk? I mean... first you have the Yankees spending $243.5 million (!!!!) on 2 pitchers. God, if they'd spent that much money in trying to help the country instead... or even if they had just helped the Arena Football League and help those guys keep all the players/coaches/etc. employed right now.

And then you have this from Carlos Boozer... (emphasis mine)
"I'm opting out. No matter what, I'm going to get a raise regardless," Boozer told ESPN.com. "I am going to opt out, I don't see why I wouldn't, I think it's a very good business decision for me and my family, but I'd also like to see what happens with the Jazz and stay here."

Nice to know that when everyone else is struggling to get along, he's planning on increasing his salary from $12+ million to $13+ million. Because that $1 million is obviously going to make the difference between life & death for him, even while we're all getting by on a whole hell of a lot less than that.

I mean, I'm a "poor college student". I'm making less than $8/hour, and I'm seeing food prices shoot up insanely and tuition costs shoot up insanely, and more. Where do I sign up for a $1 million pay raise in a poor economy?

It would really be nice to see someone (anyone) show a bit of ability to realize that the country is kinda slumping and that maybe there's better way to spend money than $161 million for 1 pitcher. And I highly doubt it'll be Mark Teixeira showing that compassion.